How to setup a small scale garri factory


How to setup a small scale garri factory

The solution is how to setup a small scale garri factory, our company give some premiliary suggestion, there is some main parts, as bellow,

1. Raw material

  • Raw material supplying for long term
  • Raw material planted

2. Determine your market positioning  

    • Overseas
    • Local wholesales
    • Local supermarket

    3. Land ,civil work ,building

      • Finding a land and buy it.
      • Starting to design of factory by local civil engineering company
      • Make a building for factory on basis of our design

      4. Finance  

        • Budget what you plan
        • Finance source :from bank ,financier, private, cooperator or own
        • Fund allocation
        • Raw material cost
        • Equipment cost
        • Building cost
        • Production cost
        • Salary cost
        • Management cost
        •  Others

        5. Technology

          • Equipment
          • Drawings
          • Installation & Commission
          • Training

          6. Operate &management factory

          • Organization team
          • Employee a engineer

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